News on our Green Spaces

By Don Ramsay and our green Spaces sub-group

Voices have been raised of late, expressing concern over the removal of some trees in our area, along roads such as Tudor Way and Fordwich.   Representations to Council contacts have confirmed that this is a Highways Department action, as they carry the responsibility for pedestrian/vehicle safety.   Their judgement is that the nominated trees have all been confirmed as dead/dying/diseased, or presenting some sort of hazard to road users and that their removal is necessary.   When possible, replacements will be planted.   It seems that, unless you feel like lying down in front of a contractor's chopper, that programme will run its course.

 On a more positive note, the recently planted fruit trees in the Sadlers Farm/Farm Close orchard are all looking healthy and will hopefully continue to flourish.   Also, there has been a promise from East Herts that the two losses incurred as a consequence of being attacked by passing idiots will be replaced, albeit in different positions where, hopefully, they will not be so vulnerable.   Unfortunately, the best planting time is in the autumn, so we will not see them until later in the year, but be patient - it will happen..

 Finally, to allay concerns that might exist regarding the intended 'Wildflower' areas, it seems that the recent cutting (which disconcerted/bewildered many residents) is actually all part of the cunning plan.   Apparently there is a maintenance regime which directs that the area should be cut in the first year to allow seed to distribute and establish.   Theoretically, all should be revealed next year, so you can - literally - watch this space...


Update on Speeding Enforcement


Phone Mast - Rejected