What is the Sele Ward Neighbourhood Association

Following approval of the Sele Neighbourhood Area Plan at the referendum in 2021, a group of residents and stakeholders in the plan have met and agreed that a Neighbourhood Association be created with the aims:

  • to promote the interests of all residents of Sele Ward

  • to promote delivery of the Sele Neighbourhood Plan

  • to listen to residents and seek out their opinions

  • to act as a co-ordinator between residents, community groups, councils and other stakeholders in Sele Ward

  • to raise awareness of what’s going on in Sele through active communication using multiple media

  • and to promote 2-way communication between residents and the association.

Here is the Constitution


Sele Ward Neighbourhood Association formed in 2022 to build on the successful endorsement of the Neighbourhood Plan and its subsequent adoption by East Herts District Council. All residents of Sele Ward are automatically members.

Sele is a diverse ward with residents from many ethnic, backgrounds, straight and LGBTQ+, cis- and transgender, able-bodied and disabled along with a range of ages, political beliefs and health conditions. Membership is free and open to all residents of Sele Ward, irrespective of nationality, age, gender, race, colour, ability, sexual orientation, religious or political beliefs, who support the aims of the Association, and therefore will be representative of the diversity of the ward as a whole. Members aged sixteen years of age and under will be Junior Members. The committee and officers will be elected from the membership and decisions will be made fairly by majority vote.

The SWNA will enable the vision of the Neighbourhood Plan to be achieved: that the community of Sele ward will have easy access to attractive and historic countryside that is protected for future generations; be a vibrant and healthy community with a variety of accessible, appropriate and affordable facilities and public services; provide new housing developments that respect the principles of sustainability for climate change, accessibility, suitability and affordability; and ensure that that the transport infrastructure provides improved links to Hertford and surrounding towns by bus, foot and bicycle. This will directly and positively impact environmental sustainability, a key element of the NP as well as improving the mental and physical wellbeing of Sele residents through improved facilities, environment and housing. It can only be achieved by the community being engaged in delivering it, collaborating with the relevant councils, stakeholder organisations, and local businesses. As an organisation where all Sele residents are automatically members, the association will represent and include the full diversity of the Sele community, including vulnerable and isolated residents.

The assocition’s committee is:

  • Chair: Adam Leaf

  • Treasurer: Don Ramsay

  • Secretary: Sophie Bruton

  • Committee members: Deborah Akers, Mary Brady, Sidney Williams