Sele Ward Neighbourhood Association

Annual General Meeting

To be held on Monday 11 November 2024 at 19.00

In the Training Hub, The Sele School

Calling Notice

I hereby give notice that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Sele Ward Neighbourhood Association (SWNA) will take place on Monday 11 November in the Training Hub of The Sele School, Welwyn Road, Hertford SG14 2DG commencing at 19.00. (Adjourned from October 17th)

Any competent items for inclusion in the Agenda should reach the Secretary no later than midday on on Monday 28 October 2023.

If you wish to offer your apologies please contact me and I will ensure that they are offered to the meeting. Please go the SWNA website for contact details

We hope to see you on the 11 November and look forward to welcoming you to the AGM of the SWNA.


Sele Ward Neighbourhood Association

Annual General Meeting 11 November 2024


1. The report of the Committee

2. Financial statements relating to the affairs of the Association

3. Election of the Committee (nomination of whom shall be made only by members present at the AGM or on prior written notice)

4. To consider any proposals notified to the Secretary in writing at least 14 days prior to the AGM.

From the Committee amendments are proposed to the Constitution of SWNA as listed:

i) Clause 2 (a) move list marked * from footnote into main text.

Reason – to give greater prominence to the intention of SWNA to be a fully inclusive organisation.

ii) Clause 5 (b)(ii) amend the clause to read as follows: ‘Financial statements relating to the affairs of the Association duly audited examined by a competent independent auditor person to be appointed by the AGM.’

Reason – because of the difficulty of finding a qualified auditor willing to undertake this task, change the wording so the accounts can legitimately be checked by a competent independent person.

iii) Clause 10 amend to read as follows: The association will maintain open financial records, which may be submitted to Hertford Town Council each year for inspection as and when requested.

Reason – to date Hertford Town Council have never requested sight of SWNA accounts, the change is intended to bring the Constitution into line with actual practise.

iv) Amend Clause 10 (d) to read as follows: ‘The Treasurer will have the accounts checked by an independent person with adequate financial experience (e.g. law centre, accountant) at the end of each financial year and submitted to the Council for auditing each year as and when requested.’

Reason – to bring Clause 10 (d) into line with both Clause 5(b)(ii) and Clause 10 (as amended and listed above).

5. Any other business:

Any other competent business with the agreement of the Chair.


• The quorum for the AGM shall be eight. In the absence of a quorum the meeting shall be adjourned for 14 days and all members notified. At the adjourned meeting business will proceed even if a quorum is not present.

• Voting at the AGM shall be by a show of hands or by a ballot based on one member one vote.


Sophie Bruton

Ms Sophie Bruton; Hon General Secretary SWNA