Merry Christmas and get involved in SWNA in the New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our members from the SWNA!

…and some updates on what’s been going on since our launch meeting last month (including our new email address,

Our initial priority areas

Based on the discussions we had at our launch meeting and your valuable input, the committee has pulled the ideas together into 4 areas to prioritise and we will set up sub-groups for each of them. The priority areas are:

  • Green Spaces. This will include protecting and enhancing the areas of green, so would cover how we can prevent fouling of these spaces, what we can do to make areas like Farm Close orchard a better amenity and support for ongoing initiatives like bulb plant around the ward and the Thieves Lane Community Garden

  • Transport & Rights of Way. To include road safety, traffic calming, maintenance and opening of footpaths and bridleways, street lighting and public transport – anything to do with how we move around the ward.

  • Planning and Development. A core part of the Neighbourhood Plan is ensuring that the planning criteria are enforced and that development is sustainable and supports the objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan. This group would be able to comment formally on planning applications and identify any conflicts with the Neighbourhood Plan.

  • Assets and Infrastructure. Supporting our shops, public services, businesses and community organisations and making sure the community is well served now and in the future

Please reply to this mail if you would like to be involved in any of the groups. We plan to start the groups up in January and the first task of each group will be to set it's agenda and agree what it wants to do.

SWNA website

I'm very excited to announce the launch of our website,

Thanks to funding from East Herts Distric Council and Hertford Town Council, we have been able to set up the website. This will become one of our main tools to communications. The content is still being updated and expanded, so at present you will find

  • Introduction to SWNA and the background

  • A blog to keep people up-to-date on what is happening in the SWNA

  • Information about the 4 priority areas

  • An events page which we will start to populate in the new year

  • Information about the Neighbourhood Plan

We intend to expand this with a directory of local businesses and organisations, visibility of planning applications and changes that are happening that will affect Sele Ward, and a page to celebrate the great things that happen in Sele Ward If you have any ideas for contact, please get in touch with us at


Welcome to our new website