Hertfordshire Health Walks in Sele Farm

First Steps Walks are ideal for people who are not currently active or who are recovering from injury or illness.  

The Sele First Steps is every Thursday at 10am meeting outside Network Home’s Calton Court, Windsor Drive, Hertford  SG14 2EG.  Free refreshments after the walk in Community Hub.    The quote from volunteer Marion, who leads a First Steps Walk in Hatfield and who said “Whenever people go on a Health Walk, they tell me they are glad they came along and feel better for it.  Its mood lifting, relaxed and free.  Not many things are these days!”   

Would you like to be a volunteer for the walks?

To find out more about what a Health Walk Volunteer does visit Health Walk Volunteers | Hertfordshire County Council 

No experience is necessary as ½-day free training is provided.   All volunteers who complete training will receive a Health Walks polo shirt, backpack, high vis, a clip board and a whistle.     Contact Claire on claire.pullen@hertfordshire.gov.uk to find out more or book your space.    The next training, which is in the Hertford Wellbeing Hub on Glenfield Court in Sele and is on the 6th Oct from 9:30am to 2:30pm.    


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